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!!!! Wedding Photos !!!!I


We all love to see wedding photos but I love the laughter. I love the tears. I love the emotion. I love the beauty. I love being there on that special day with a bride and groom.

I love capturing the emotion. I tend to take lots of pictures (and deliver 95% of them—I only delete the really bad ones). I take lots of pictures because I am trying to capture the emotion of the day. I want the bride and groom and family to be able to look back on these wedding photos in years to come and feel what it felt like on that day.


Choosing a wedding photographer is one of the most important decisions you will make. You want someone who can not only take good pictures but also is pleasant to work with. You don’t want some obnoxious jerk hanging around all day ruining your day. I seek to be polite and friendly—available but not in the way.


Reliablility is #1

There is not much I hate more then to have a client contact me the day before her wedding begging me to take photos because some "other photographer canceled the day before the wedding". Your Wedding day should be the best, most stress free day ever. ALWAYS pick a photographer that is reliable! (I book a month in advance, and I've never canceled on a client)


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